Truth Will Set You Free

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Truth Will Set You Free

We will explore what Jesus spoke to people who are interested in learning from him and the Pharisees, “the truth will set you free. “

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Truth Will Set You Free

Truth Will Set You Free

Jon: Hey Bradon, Truth or Dare!

Bradon: AHHH! I don’t like starting with this! TRUTH!

Jon: Coming on the Bible Story Podcast is Bradon’s answer to my question!

Bradon: Oh my goodness. I am so nervous.

Discussion Episode

John 5

About the Story

Jon: We will be sharing a story about Jesus speaking and teaching Jews, and in the midst of the jews were some Pharisees. 

Bradon: The Pharisees were a religious elite. They spent hours studying the scriptures and were particularly careful to follow all of the laws and rules. There was also a group of people who were not part of Jesus’ 12 disciples but were followers of Jesus, and they were keen on learning more from him.  

Jon: The critical thing that Jesus said was that Truth will set you free. So, Bradon, are you ready! Truth or Dare. 

Bradon: I am not prepared, and why am I the one who has to answer. And how am I supposed to choose dare now that everyone knows the topic is “truth!”

Jon: I tell you what, no matter what you choose, I will do the other one. So if you select truth, I will do dare. If you choose dare, I will do truth. 

Bradon: That sounds fair.  The story is found in John Chapter 8:31-38, and there is a lot packed into this one.


Bradon: So if the reality is that the truth will set us free. Then we need to speak the truth, and the more we talk about the truth, the freer we will be!

Jon: I think you are right, but I would take it one step further. Not only should I speak the truth, but I should live into truth. 

Bradon: I like that. So, an example would be something like the following. The truth is that constantly yelling at my friend Jon will end up in hurt feelings. So if I say to you yelling is mean and then still scream at you regularly, you will have hurt feelings, and I am not going to feel all that free since I am not living into the truth of being kind. 

Jon: That’s a great example, and I am thankful that you don’t yell at me!

Bradon: Yeah, that would be no fun for either of us. So, Truth will set us free, but what about truths that maybe don’t impact our relationships with others directly.

Jon: Can you give me an example?

Bradon: Pretty much everyone I know struggles with the idea of self-worth. The truth is God created everyone and loves them so much, and our worth ultimately comes from God. 

Jon: Right, but if we believe a lie that our worth comes from our relationships, or what we do, or how we look, or how much money or stuff we have, or how smart we are, or how good of shape we are in, or how fast we can sprint, or how awesome we are at shredding a guitar solo, or 

Bradon: ok, ok, ok, we get the idea. If we believe our worth comes from somewhere other than God, we will pursue that thing or person. Ultimately the lie will destroy us. 

Jon: Truth will set us free!

By Jon Drebert

A little about me: I decided to follow Jesus at a very early age while my mom made cookies and I ate cookie dough. I have an awesome family. My wife and I have three amazing kids. I serve as the Executive Director of Covenant Bay Bible Camp at Pigeon Lake, AB. Outdoor activities, music, sports, and learning are some of my favourite things to do.

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