Discussion | Truth Will Set You Free
Jon: This is the discussion episode for the story The Truth Will Set You Free.
Bradon: Jesus is teaching, and many there are loving what he had to say. Others are challenging Jesus. At one point, Jesus says, “the Truth will set you free.”
Story Episode
John 5
- When we live into truth, good things follow. For example, we may experience healing or unity. What are some other good things that will come about when people live into Truth?
- I would say that it is impossible to grow in a relationship with Jesus without living in Truth. What are some essential truths if we are to grow in a relationship with Jesus?
- John 8:34 ‘Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin.’ What does this verse have to do with the idea of the truth being able to set us free?
Growth Tip
Growth Tip 1 min (150 1650/2000)
Jon: Find someone close to you and ask them where maybe you need to grow?
Bradon: They will feel awkward but give them time to think about it and permission to pass and just not answer.
Jon: Typically, they will not want to hurt you, so they will be gentle. You may have to ask some questions for them to clarify things.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.