Discussion | Crisis Will Bring Growth
A crisis will bring growth. We learned that the Church was growing and that the early Christian church was spending a lot of time with God. Because of all this time spent with God, the Antioch church responded to a famine prediction that would impact the entire Roman Empire. They collected a lot of money to help the believers in Jerusalem and Judea. They then sensed God wanting to send Barnabas and Saul for a special work, which we will find out more about tomorrow.
A crisis will bring growth. We learned that the Church was growing and that the early Christian church was spending a lot of time with God. Because of all this time spent with God, the Antioch church responded to a famine prediction that would impact the entire Roman Empire. They collected a lot of money to help the believers in Jerusalem and Judea. They then sensed God wanting to send Barnabas and Saul for a special work, which we will find out more about tomorrow.