Rejoice in the Lord

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Rejoice in the Lord

There is a God

Bradon: Jon – Have you ever met someone of Royalty? Or seen them from afar? Like the queen or something? 
Jon: Nope – not unless I didn’t recognize them! 
Bradon: I got to see Buckingham Palace once! It was huge! A lot of chandeliers 
Jon: Tune in to our next episode to find out about Jesus and why he is called King.

Discussion Episode
Matthew 21:1-11

Discussion | Rejoice in the Lord

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Discussion | Rejoice in the Lord

Discussion | Rejoice in the Lord

Jon: You are listening to the discussion questions for the episode Rejoice in the Lord! 

Bradon: in today’s passage we saw the people of Jerusalem eagerly awaiting the arrival of Jesus! They knew who he was and the freedom that He brought for them! They were so excited and honoured to have Him there!