Choose Your Friends Wisely
Jon: We have got a crazy story for you today.
Bradon: Samuel is dead but somehow still speaks to Saul. David is bold and has moved into his enemy’s land. The story teaches us a vital lesson on Friendship.
Jon: We have to choose our friends wisely.
Discussion Episode
1 Samuel 28-29
About the Story
Bradon: Last week, we saw David move all his troops with their families to a Philistine town and join the King of Gath. Now David hid the fact that he plundered the villages nearby and would give Achish a false report. As a result, Achish loved David.
Jon: The lesson was this Remember God’s Call.
Bradon: I have to admit this is a crazy story that feels pretty disjointed in many ways. What do you think we can learn from all of this?
Jon: I think the lesson is this, choose your friends wisely. Saul was disobedient to God and thus lost God’s friendship and support. David made friends with Achish and nearly had to go to war against his own country which would then make Israel his enemy.
Bradon: And David was very deceitful to King Achish, saying he raided towns in the South of Judah when he was raiding towns near Shur. If Achish found out, the King and David would have become instant enemies.
Jon: This is why I say choose your friends wisely. Choose people who align themselves with God and who will encourage you to do the same.
Bradon: Not doing this led to the downfall of Saul and nearly caused the downfall of David.
Jon: Proverbs 27: 5-6 says it this way. ‘An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. ‘
Bradon: We may not always appreciate our friends when they correct us, but it is far better than the encouragement from an enemy that will, in the end, harm us.
Jon: Our lesson today is this; choose your friends wisely.