God Fights for His People
I am not sure about you, but more than ever, I need God to show up. While we don’t get to dictate when or how God will rescue us, we can be sure that God fights for his people!
Discussion Episode
Exodus 13 – 15:21
About the Story
Bradon: Right, we’ve been going through Moses’ story and how God freed the Israelites from slavery to the Egyptians. If you have not listened to the previous stories, go back and start listening to the one titled “Here I am,” published on Feb 1, 2021.
Jon: Last week, we learned that God gave Moses and the Israelites instructions to celebrate something God was about to do. It was the first Passover, and many of the instructions seem pretty foreign to us because, well, they are!
Bradon: The last plague was by far the most devastating. The first-born male of every household died. Now, the Israelites obeyed God, and he protected them from that awful plague.
Jon: Just God predicted, Pharaoh demanded that they all leave! I could not imagine the grief and pain that they all felt!
Align yourself with God. He does rescue his people and will do it in his time and manner, so align yourself with God. He will fight for his people.
Bradon: God fought for Israel and rescued them from a man and nation who intended to harm them. Now it could be easy for us to say, Do this and do that, and God will fight for you, but I don’t think that considers the complexity of Israel’s story as slaves, nor does it value the unique situations of our lives.
Jon: You know, it also makes it sound like we can control or manipulate God. We can’t put God into our equation so that He will always do what we want. God doesn’t align himself with us. We align ourselves with God. He invited Moses while within the burning bush, and Moses accepted. He invited Pharaoh numerous times; Pharaoh always rejected him. He invited Israel frequently to align themselves with him, and, in these stories, they did – mostly.
Bradon: And, he is inviting us. Every day, we either align ourselves with God, or we reject him. We know that God will fight for his people. But we don’t get to dictate the manner in which he comes to our rescue or the timing. I mean, Israel was in slavery to the Egyptians for 400 years, and when God was just about to rescue them at the Red Sea, they complain to Moses about bringing them to the wilderness to die! The timing and the manner were both questioned. God’s ways are good, and he will fight for his people!
Jon: If you are listening and are desperate for God to show up, desperate for him to rescue you, the only advice we can give you is this. Align yourself with God. He does rescue his people and will do it in his time and manner, so align yourself with God. He will fight for his people.