Discussion Guide | Even the Best is Tempted
You know there are a lot of situations where we find ourselves tempted. I am going to list a few of these circumstances and I’d like you as a group to come up with a plan. Talk about how you should respond to each, how to avoid these situations if possible, and if there are any scripture verses that might help you to respond well.
Matthew 4:1-11
Story Episode
Even the best, Jesus, was tempted.
- You find yourself at school or work when your friends are talking poorly about others behind their backs.
- You find yourself on your phone or device when an image or video comes up that you know is not good.
- You are asked to complete a task immediately by your boss, teacher, or parent but you feel really tired and want to do it later.
- Think of a situation that you would like help with when you are tempted. Describe the situation and then answer the following.
- How should you respond?
- Is there a way to avoid this situation in the future?
- What scripture can you respond with?
Growth Tip
To respond with scripture, we need to know the scriptures. Memorizing Bible verses is a great practice. I won’t lie memorizing is hard work, but the payoff is huge, and it will serve you very well for the rest of your life! So Memorize scripture as a defence in the temptations that will come your way!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.