Even the Best is Tempted
Did you know that even the best is tempted? The best of us was tempted just like you and I. We are going to look at a story about this today, and I think you will find that there are some exciting things to learn about today!
You know, when I am tempted, there are a few things that are often present within me. Usually, I am sad or angry, and I’m typically pretty tired. As you listen to this story, think about some of the things that the main character is feeling.
Now it’s important to note that temptation and sin are not the same things. Temptation, is the consideration of acting out our sinful desires. For example, two brothers are fighting, and the one thinks to himself, I would sure like to punch him but resists that desire to punch. The other brother has the same thought I would sure like to punch him but then does punch his brother. Both brothers were tempted to punch, but only one hit or punched his brother. Now, this is an essential concept for us to remember so that we can fully understand this story. If a person does not act on the temptation, then they have not sinned.
Last week we heard about Jesus’ baptism. He went up to the Jordan River, found his cousin John and then was baptized. As Jesus came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove, and a voice from heaven said this is my son whom I love, and I take great joy in him!
There are two characters in today’s story, Jesus and the Devil. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went out into the wilderness, and this is where we pick up today’s story!