Discussion | Lies Spill Over
Bradon: Our discussion Episode for Lies Spill Over starts …. NOW!
Jon: Recap from today, Adam and Eve, A story found in Genesis 2 & 3 were placed in the garden of Eden. They disobeyed a specific rule from God not to eat the fruit from a certain tree. Once they ate the fruit they hid from God in shame and lied when he found them and asked why they were covering themselves. Lies spill over into all parts of our life. Here are the questions for today.
Story Episode
Genesis 2 and 3
Lies Spill Over
- Is there a difference between a lie and a white lie? Or a lie that doesn’t seem to hurt anyone?
- Have you ever felt like you couldn’t tell the truth? Or perhaps telling the truth was the harder thing to do?
- Why are we unable to hide our lies/ sin from God?
Growth Tip
Bradon: Okay, our growth tip for today. Think of something you have been hiding from God. Pray to Him about that. Let the weight of that fall into the hands of God. Rest in God’s grace.
Jon: Sounds easy, but Bradon, you and I know through experience that is a really good and challenging growth tip! It takes practice, be kind to yourselves.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.