160 Discussion | What is Your Obsession

What is Your Obsession?
Bible Story Podcast
160 Discussion | What is Your Obsession

Seeing people share the Good news, desiring to be with God, and seeing others live as citizens of heaven are three of Paul’s obsesssions.

What is Your Obsession?
Bible Story Podcast
160 Discussion | What is Your Obsession

Discussion | What is Your Obsession

Jon: Today, we learned what three of Paul’s obsessions are. Seeing people share the Good news, desiring to be with God, and seeing others live as citizens of heaven!

Bradon: We also asked you to make a list of how you live as a citizen of heaven or a citizen of the world. So if you have made that list, pull it out. If you haven’t, hit pause and make that list quickly because we are about to use it!

Jon: Bradon, would you describe the difference between being a citizen of heaven and a citizen of the world?

Bradon: I can give it a shot; feel free to add your thoughts. I think, at its core, it’s about with whom we belong. For instance, if a child is lost and a stranger comes to help them find their mom or dad. They know that they don’t belong with this stranger. They run to their mom or dad when they see them, even though the stranger may have been very kind and helpful. 

Jon: I think we all have a sense of being a lost child from time to time. Maybe our actions, feelings, or thoughts lead us there. But we often hear people describe their first significant interaction with Jesus as coming home to a loving parent. No longer lost, but with someone who loves us unconditionally! 

Bradon: I also think there is a longing to go home when we are away. Think of the last time you travelled somewhere or even had a sleepover at a friend’s house! There is often a sense of longing for a familiar place, and even though we have not been to heaven, we are created and designed to belong there. Which leads us to desire that as we grow in our relationship with God.

Story Episode
Philippians 1:12-30


  1. Jon: Using the list we have just made, look at the areas in your life where you live more as a citizen of this world; what needs to change? Don’t be afraid to get detailed in your answers.
  2. Bradon: Using the list, look at the areas in your life where you live more as a citizen of heaven; what are some of the factors that help you live this way? Could any of these factors help you in the areas where you struggle?
  3. Bradon: We know that we can’t change everything at once. When we try, we usually end up frustrated and not meeting our hopes for change. Pick one or two things that are most important in helping you live more fully as a citizen of heaven!

Growth Tip

Jon: Today you need a pen and a piece of paper. 

Bradon: Make a line down the center and a heading on each side of the paper. 

Jon: One header should read citizen of heaven and the other citizen of the world.  

Bradon: Reflect on each part of your life, school, work, home, clubs, friend groups, online, etc. 

Jon: Under each heading, write down whether people see you as belonging to God or the world. Take 5-10 minutes to do this, and remember it’s your opinion.

Bradon: You are going to use this paper in the discussion episode!

Prayer Requests

At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.

By Jon Drebert

A little about me: I decided to follow Jesus at a very early age while my mom made cookies and I ate cookie dough. I have an awesome family. My wife and I have three amazing kids. I serve as the Executive Director of Covenant Bay Bible Camp at Pigeon Lake, AB. Outdoor activities, music, sports, and learning are some of my favourite things to do.