He is the Son of God
We explore the declaration John the baptist, made about Jesus to a crowd of people saying He is the Son of God.
Discussion Episode
John 1:19-34
About the Story
Bradon: You are every right! No judgement! Our story for today continues our journey through John. We are in 1: 19 – 34. A man named John the Baptist is speaking – We briefly introduced him in our last episode. He was baptizing people with water, was a relative of Jesus, and is not the John who wrote this Gospel. Some small notes to take forward.
Jon: John 1: 33 & 34.
I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son[a] of God.”
Bradon: Such an awe-filled image – the idea of the holy spirit coming down and resting on Jesus as John is baptizing him.
Jon: and the proclamation, or the statement that John is telling about – Saying that Jesus is the one that baptizes with the Holy Spirit. These are HUGE claims for someone to say back in those days.
Bradon: They really are. These types of claims would have confused and angered certainly a few people. As we continue to see, and as we know where the story ends Saying these types of things doesn’t immediately make people want to hang around you.
Jon: That’s right. These statements were bold and scary to some. Especially the religious leaders.
Bradon: Eventually, in the last sentence of the section we just read, we see John say that Jesus is the Son of God. A bold statement. Something that had consequences. A statement that John and Jesus would have known would cause some people to be upset and angry.
Jon: So what do we take from this today Bradon? It is a small conversation but has a lot of consequences and sets a lot of things in motion.
Bradon: It does. This moment was somewhat of a catalyst moment – it begins the journey of Jesus in his ministry and the recognition that he is the Son of God.
So… the takeaway?
Bradon: Right. In saying that a lot came of this conversation is an understatement. So I think there are several different moments of impact. The one that stands out the most for me at this moment is John’s willingness, even excitement to boldly say who Jesus is. I mean people would have thought highly of John. He was the one to be able to baptise Jesus. But John never tries to take glory for himself, nor does he deny who Jesus is or what his purpose is there on earth. That takes some courage and humility.
Jon: Hmm, I think I see where you are going here. John was bold, courageous and personally humble.
Bradon: Yup, and never shied away from telling people that Jesus is the son of God. A bold, somewhat controversial statement. But it reminds me that my faith, my relationship with God, and the love of God isn’t something for me to shy away from, rather speak it boldly.