Purpose Pushes Through
Jesus’ purpose pushes through followers of Christ in the midst of setbacks and hard times.
Bradon: Jon, How many times in your life have you heard, “Get back on that horse”
Jon: Well, I mean, I haven’t ridden too many horses in my lifetime, so…
Bradon: No, not that horse, Nevermind, I’ll explain more in the Episode to come!
Discussion Episode
Acts 1:12-26
About the Story
Bradon: Well, we are going ahead through the first half of Acts. We are going through Chapters 1: verse 12 – 26 today. It is a really interesting story, that may seem pretty insignificant. But I am really excited to unpack it!
Jon: Well if you are excited then I am excited!
We will jump in where we left off which was shortly after the moments when Jesus went into heaven. The Disciples watched him ascend into heaven and were reminded of their call, to share the story of Jesus. Throughout acts, we will see this process begin. The sharing of the story and the very beginnings of the Church.
Jon: I totally get that feeling too. And have been there myself. It makes me really humble and grateful to these disciples for doing what they did. Without people like them willing to risk major consequences to share the story and life of Jesus, our faith today could look very different.
Bradon: Totally! And even today sharing the story of Jesus and letting the purpose push us through those setbacks is really important! Just like they say, when you fall off the horse, to get back on again! See I had a plan all along!
Jon: So, nothing to do with actual horses!?
Bradon: No! It is about the metaphor! When we face struggle or certain hardship we can let the purpose and mission given to us by God push us through. This doesn’t mean that it will be any easier, or the consequence will be any less. It simply means there is a way through and we can carry on.
Jon: If we are firm in who God has created us to be and confident in our relationship with Jesus, the mission to share his story remains and can definitely carry us through a lot!
Bradon: It is a big and heavy purpose but remember, we are not carrying it alone. Just as the disciples picked a new member to carry on their community and continue the mission we too have people around us to lean on, to pray with, to grow alongside with. We are not meant to live this life alone!