Share Jesus’ Story

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Share Jesus’ Story

Often we give Jesus our agenda of what we want him to do for us when he just wants us to obey him and trust him! We are to share Jesus’ story!

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Share Jesus’ Story

Share Jesus’ Story

Bradon: Have you ever felt constantly misunderstood?

Jon: Yeah there are a few scenarios that I can think of! I can get pretty worked up about it and have to work really hard at being patient.

Bradon: Coming up on the Bible Story podcast. The disciples still don’t get it and Jesus is about to leave!

Discussion Episode
Acts 1:1-11

About the Story

Bradon: So, we need some background information not only for today’s story but for this whole season. Luke is the author of Acts and he also wrote the book of Luke and he is writing to the same guy in both books, Theophilus.

Jon: Luke is writing these two books so that Theophelis can have an accurate account of everything that happened and be certain of the truth. 

Bradon: Today’s story is about Jesus and what is so special about that it is after Jesus was dead and was raised back to life!

Jon: Jesus had actually been showing up and proving to the disciples and many others that he was alive for about 40 days.

Bradon: One more thing. The Romans were in charge. They had control of Israel and most of the world at that time. Jon: No Israelite including Jesus followers wanted the Romans there. They wanted to be rid of the Roman Empire!


Jon: So, this is an important story to start with for the book of Acts but what is it that we can learn from this story?

Bradon: Well, I think just like the disciples we can be preoccupied with our own plans and desires. We can sometimes have plans for Jesus and forget to ask Jesus about his plans for us.

Jon: As you said Jesus was pretty clear. Because they witnessed Jesus here on earth and most importantly his death and resurrection, coming back to life, they were to tell this story to everyone who they could!

Bradon: Right and the same is for those of us who have a relationship with Jesus today. We are to tell everyone we can about Jesus. 

Jon: Too often we give Jesus our agenda of what we want him to do for us when he just wants us to obey him and trust him!

Bradon: We are to share Jesus’ story!

By Jon Drebert

A little about me: I decided to follow Jesus at a very early age while my mom made cookies and I ate cookie dough. I have an awesome family. My wife and I have three amazing kids. I serve as the Executive Director of Covenant Bay Bible Camp at Pigeon Lake, AB. Outdoor activities, music, sports, and learning are some of my favourite things to do.

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